What's New in Alta BLUE LINK
Check out the latest improvements and features in Alta BLUE LINK!
Alta BLUE LINK Update - Winter 2024

On the Mating page, you can now download the new Female Index Report! The report includes trait details for the females, including female index value, Predicted Transmitting Ability (PTA Predicted Transmitting Ability) for milk, protein, and fat, in addition to the basic mating report data.
To generate the plan, click the Options button at the top right side of the Mating page and select Download Female Index Report to export the CSV file of the full report.
See Female Index Report to learn more!

You now have the option to set the Voluntary Waiting Period (VWP Voluntary wait period, or the number of days a dairy chooses not to breed a cow after calving.) for cows and heifers when you set your Mating Options in Step 4. You can now customize how long the AltaBLUE LINK needs to wait before it can include a heifer or cow in the genetic plan for breeding. Additionally, the VWP is now calculated more accurately. Now, Alta BLUE LINK pulls the Voluntary Waiting Period from the actual VWP calculated in Reproduction Insights.

Alta BLUE LINK can now pull and display records from Jersey Female proofs.

The Future Calving module now includes a filter to show only cows, heifers, or both. See Future Calving to learn more about future calving!

When you hover over the Heifer Inventory module, Alta BLUE LINK now shows the exact values for Heifer Count and Heifer Age in Months for that month. See Heifer Inventory to learn more about heifer inventory!

The genetic planning tool now pulls the conception rate from a single source in PULSE. Now, the conception rate is accurate and consistent throughout the app.

We completed numerous bug fixes and improved the performance of various widgets in the last few months to ensure that your genetic planning tool works better than ever!

Alta BLUE LINK Update - Fall 2024

You can now choose between two projection formula options in Step 4: Create Your Strategy: Annual Plan Projection, which calculates projections for calves produced in the next year, and Focused Inventory, a new formula that calculates more accurate projections for calves produced in the next month.
The Focused Inventory formula uses the same variables as the Annual Plan Projection formula, but it includes additional variables like account service rate and conception rates by group and semen type to improve the accuracy of its projection. Focused Inventory plans allow you to view projected rates based on the time range you enter by clicking the Options button and selecting Configure Rates:
To learn more about selecting your plan's projection formula, see Set Mating Options in Step 4.

When you apply Bulls Restrictions in Step 4: Create Your Strategy, you can now better control the preference given to each bull. You can set minimum and maximum limits for the likeliness that the selected bull(s) will be chosen as the first, second, or third choice:
You can also now set bulls restrictions by user-defined count or percentage. Simply select your preference at the top right side of the window:

You can now manually update your bull list from your Alta Management page. You can manually add bulls if you did not find them in Alta BLUE LINK, as well as edit existing bulls that you have manually added or view existing bulls that others have manually added.
See Add Bulls to learn more!

We have added numerous updates to improve your Reports experience:
- Chosen Bulls: We now include the Bulls Weighted Averages report, which compiles all the information about the plan's top three mating choices.
- Genetic Projection: We now show the trait weights you chose in Step 2.
- Mating: We added new fields, such as percentile rank and progeny index, to make it easier to analyze the plan's mating recommendations.
- Mating: You can now choose whether you show or hide a female's sire ID
Identifier (Show Sire NAAB
National Association of Animal Breeders. www.naab-css.org/REG
Animal registration number) or a female's sire choice recommendations (Show Sire Choice NAAB/REG). Previously, you could only choose to show or hide all sires from the Mating Report, including both the female's sire and sire choice recommendations.

Sexed and conventional bulls are now more evenly and better assigned to the females in your plan! We updated the way we handle Even Distribution assignments for both Sexed and Conventional bulls, which improves the matches projected in your plan.

We now correctly identify beef and beef-cross females to better exclude them from plans that should only include dairy females. You can still view beef and beef-cross females in the Data Integrity Report, but beef and beef-cross females will be excluded from any other dashboard widgets or reports.

The Bull List on your Alta Management page now includes bulls added from proofs. See Add Bulls to Your Plan to learn more about the bull list.

When you view or edit a bull, you will now see up to 6 different NAAB codes. When you add a bull, you no longer have to identify nor determine the bull's product type (Conventional or Sexed), you simply need to enter or confirm the animal's NAAB codes.

We completed numerous bug fixes and improved the performance of various widgets in the last few months to ensure that your genetic planning tool works better than ever!
Alta BLUE LINK Update - Summer 2024

You can easily monitor the future of your herd using the new Heifer Inventory tools! The Heifer Inventory and Future Calving widgets are now available in Alta BLUE LINK Genetic Dashboard's new Heifer Inventory tab. Open the Genetic Dashboard and click the Heifer Inventory tab in the upper left corner to see the Heifer Inventory widget, which shows all live heifers grouped by birth year and reproduction status, and the Future Calving widget, which shows all future heifers still in utero grouped by due date.
See Heifer Inventory to learn more!

When you create your genetic plan in Step 4: Create Your Strategy, you can now restrict the bulls in your plan to only be the first, second, and/or third mating choice. This option helps you better control the mating preference given to each bull and ensure that the plan's matches more closely align with the plan's goals. Simply click the Options button and select Bulls Restrictions. Choose the female group that will benefit from the bull restrictions and the bulls that you plan to restrict. Then, designate whether each bull type should be the first choice, second choice, third choice, or a combination for the selected female group:
See Bulls Restrictions in Step 4: Create Your Strategy to learn more!

We have expanded support for bull proofs: Alta Blue Link can now access proof bases from Canada, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Germany, Italy, in addition to the United States. When you search for a bull by its International Registration Number, NAAB code, or name, the genetic planning will check all proof bases for the bull.

You can now search for and include bulls in your genetic plan if they don't have a NAAB code. As long as a bull has an International Registration Number (IntRegNum), you will be able to find the bull and add it to your genetic plan.

We completed numerous bug fixes and improved the performance of various widgets in the last few months to ensure that your genetic planning tool works better than ever!
Alta BLUE LINK Update - Spring 2024

To implement the genetic plan, follow the instructions in our newest help topic: Activate a Genetic Plan! You can activate your plan after you finish building the plan and review the generated reports. During the activation process, you can also select the items you want to send to PULSE. If some items are not configured, see Configure Items in DC305 (DairyComp Unlimited Users Only) to learn how!

On the Mating page, you can create and download the Inbreeding report, which shows the inbreeding value between each female and each bull in the mating plan. Each row in the report lists the female, the bull selected for mating, and the resulting inbreeding value. When applicable, the report also lists the haplotype or recessive gene that restricts the pairing between the female and the bull.
To generate the plan, click the Options button at the top right side of the Mating page and select Create Inbreeding Report.
While the report is generating, the Creating Inbreeding Report message displays. After the report is generated, click Download Breeding Report to export the CSV file of the full report.
See Inbreeding to learn more!

During Step 4: Create Your Strategy, we added new options to help filter your mating options:
You can now choose to filter the females included on the list by calculated index or age in days. You can also include pregnant heifers based on their DCC Days carrying calf/pregnant! Check out Other Filters to learn more about setting the filters!

You can now filter the data shown in the Mating! By default, all fields are included in the mating report, but you can now exclude the following data points: Female Index, Sire NAAB Code, Short Name, INB%, and STOC semen type of choice. The system saves your filters if you leave and return to the report page.

If you selected Reverse Mate as your genetic plan's mating option, you can now export the Mating Report to view all the bulls in your plan. The exported report lists up to 20 prohibited bulls that an animal should not mate with. Previously, the report only included the top three bulls.

The genetic planning tool now pulls an improved abortion rate from PULSE, which calculates the annual abortion rate to better match industry standards. Previously, the calculation only included pregnancies that were lost after an animal was pregnant for a month. Now, the calculation includes all pregnancies that are lost, including pregnancies that are lost before an animal reaches 42 DCC.

The genetic planning tool now pulls an improved cull rate from PULSE, which calculates cow and heifer cull rates to better match industry standards. The new cull rate provides a more accurate representation of how many animals require replacement each year.

When you create the strategy for your genetic plan or view reports, we now display the true actual total of projected milking females and required milking females per month. Previously, we included an 11% buffer in the calculation, which increased the number of needed females.

We completed numerous bug fixes and improved the performance of various widgets in the last few months to ensure that your genetic planning tool works better than ever!
Last Built: February 03, 2025