Reproduction Insights

The Reproduction Insights report tracks cow and heifer reproduction across your herd and allows you to evaluate the overall success of your dairy's breeding program. At a glance, you can assess your herd and see which areas need improvement.

You can find this feature under the Insights menu.

While similar to the BREDSUM feature in DC305Closed DairyComp 305 - VAS Dairy Management Software, Reproduction Insights allow you to track KPIsClosed Key Performance Indicators you've set and quickly determine whether your actual reproduction KPIs fall within your limits.

Click Set Thresholds at the top right in the blue bar to view your dairy's current KPIs and edit the limits you want tracked on the Reproduction Insights report. See Reproduction Indicators for more information.

NOTE: Set Thresholds is only available to users with Herd Configuration permissions.

See the topics below to learn more: