Step 1: Name Your Plan

Name Your Plan is the first step of the planning process and allows you to add a plan Name and Description. Follow the steps below to continue:


Add a descriptive Name. For example, you may choose to include the animals the plan applies to and the date: Heifers - Q4 2021. Descriptive names will make sorting through plans easier as more plans are added.


Select Breed(s) to include in the plan from the drop-down list. This selection will filter only animals of the selected breed(s) for the new genetic plan. Unselected animals will not be mated.

NOTE: Once set, the breeds cannot be changed after you click Continue. All genetic data is breed-specific, so if you select the wrong breed in this step, you will need to create a new plan.

In the Mate To field, select the sire breed.


Add a Description to capture the primary goals of the plan. For example: Heifers plan for Q4.


Click Continue and proceed to Step 2: Set Breeding Goals & Index.