View Report History

The Report History page lists recently run reports (or reports that will run in the future) for quick and easy access.

You can find this feature under the DairyComp/MyDC > Reports/Worklists menu on the Report History tab.

See the topics below to learn more:

  • Click the report timestamp to view the report.
  • View the date when the report was run (or will be run if the report was future-dated).
    NOTE: Future-dated reports will run automatically on the date displayed in the List Date column.
  • Filter reports by type or user.
  • See which user generated the report.
  • Identify the report or worklist type by its icon. The following report types are supported in PULSE.

    A COUNT report or command calculates the total number of animals that match certain items and conditions. See Build a COUNT Report to learn more about generating COUNT reports!

    A LIST report or command generates a listing of animals with certain items and conditions. See Build a LIST Report to learn more about generating LIST reports!

    A SUM report generates averages for specific items or animals within certain groups and presents details in a table or graph See Build a SUM Report to learn more about generating SUM reports!

    An ENTER command changes stored item values for multiple animals at once if the animals match certain conditions. PULSE then generates a report listing all the updated item values. See ENTER Command to learn more about generating ENTER reports!

    Event Lists are a type of worklist that allow you to add events to animals on the list and then mark the animals as DONE. These actionable lists simplify and speed up event entry tasks and help to keep your animal records current. See Build an Event List to learn more about generating Event Lists!

    Hospital Lists are commonly used to follow treatment protocols and evaluate animals on active milk and meat withholds. See Build a Hospital List to learn more about generating Hospital Lists!

    To-Do Lists include animals that may need to be checked, moved, or treated. After the required task is completed, the animal is marked as DONE. Use these actionable lists to help manage your work on farm and keep track of completed activities electronically. See Build a To-Do List to learn more about generating To-Do Lists!

    Vet Lists identify animals that need to be seen by your vet for various reasons, including for pregnancy checks or to diagnose an illness or other condition. See Build a Vet List to learn more about generating Vet Lists!

    See Create Worklist from Report to learn more about generating Worklists!