Add a New Animal (v2)

Only users who are assigned to a Role with Herd Write permissions can use this feature. If your account only has Herd Read permissions, you will not be able to use this feature. See Edit Dairy User Permissions and Manage Dairy Roles for more information.
To add a new animal to the herd, open the Animals tab and tap the Add Animal button at the top right side of the screen. Enter and save its identification details, including birth date and breed, to see it in your herd. Follow the guidelines below when you add a new animal:

The app automatically assigns the next available ID Identifier to the animal. You can also manually enter a new animal ID: tap on the ID field, delete the default ID, and enter the new ID.

The app works best when you select a unique, numeric identifier for each animal record. Make sure you refresh your herd data before you add a new animal. If you are in offline mode, you could accidentally add a duplicate ID if your data is not up-to-date with PULSE.

You must choose a pen for the new animal. If you selected a default pen for new animals on the web version of PULSE, the app will not automatically assign the animal to that default pen.

To add a new cow, you need to enter reproduction details. If you switch the animal type from a cow to a heifer or bull, the system won't show the reproduction fields. However, if you switch the animal type back to a cow, the system will retain the reproduction details you entered.

Last Built: February 03, 2025