Bacteria Widget Details

The Bacteria widget includes milk testing results, including somatic cell count (SCCClosed Somatic cell count), coliform count, lab pasteurized count (LPC), and standard plate count (SPC) data. View the example below for more information on the data shown in the Bacteria widget.

  1. Averages: The top row includes average values for all deliveries made over the last 14 days.
  2. Date: Delivery date. If more than one delivery was made on the date, click to expand the date and view all deliveries.
  3. Amount: Total amount of milk in the delivery (in lbs).
  4. Somatic Cell Count (SCC): The amount of somatic cells in the milk (in cells/mL x 1000). SCC is an indicator of milk quality, as most somatic cells found in milk are white blood cells, which are produced as an immune response to an infection. Generally, lower SCC values point to better animal health and milk quality.
  5. Coliform Count (Coli): The amount of coliform species of bacteria in the milk (in colony-forming units per milliliter, CFU/mL). Coliforms are fecal bacteria and can cause mastitisClosed Mastitis is the persistent, inflammatory reaction of the udder tissue due to physical trauma or infection. Symptoms of mastitis include udder swelling, heat, hardness, redness, or pain. The milk may have a watery appearance, flakes, clots, or pus.. High coli counts may indicate poor cleaning of teats prior to milking or poor equipment cleaning practices.
  6. Lab Pasteurized Count (LPC): The amount of bacteria cells in the milk (in CFU/mL x 10) measured after pasteurizing for 30 minutes at 160°F (71.1°C). The sample is then tested with the SPC procedure, after 48 hours at 90°F (32.2°C).
  7. Preliminary Incubation Count (PI): The amount of bacteria cells prior to the pre-incubation period (in CFU/mL x 1000). This measurement is helpful in capturing counts of bacteria species that can thrive in cool temperatures, which are usually introduced from sources other than the cow. The PI sample is tested again after 18 hours (the pre-incubation period) to measure the increase in bacteria counts. High PI values may indicate issues with soil-borne bacteria, often introduced through contaminated water sources (such as stagnant water or contaminated hose water in the parlor).
  8. Standard Plate Count (SPC): The amount of bacteria cells in the milk (in CFU/mL x 1000) measured after 48 hours at 90°F (32.2°C).
  9. Tank Number: The dairy's bulk tank from which the milk was received.
  10. Updated: Timestamp (date and time) widget data was refreshed. Widget data is updated in PULSE on a daily basis.