Features and Icons

Feature/ Icon Description

VAS logo button. Located in top left corner of the screen. Click this button to go to your User Account Home screen.

VAS PULSE Platform Notifications button. Located in the top navigation bar, toward the right side of the screen. Click the icon to view a list of the the latest product releases, as well as system messages, general alerts, and notifications. An activity badge on this icon indicates the total number of unread messages, and clicking the  Notifications icon displays links to the most recent messages. See How do Notifications work? for more information.

Integration Status button. Located at the top of the page, toward the right side of the screen. If the status icon is green, it indicates that data is currently synchronized for the default platform zone. Click this icon to view the date and time that data was last synchronized between the VAS PULSE Platform and DairyComp 305, FeedComp, Parlor, and WeighComp.

See also When was my data last synchronized? for more information.

Integration Status button in error state. If the Integration Status button is blinking red, it indicates that a synchronization error has occurred. Click the Integration Status icon to view the sync error date, time, and location. When the error has been corrected, the system displays the date and time that synchronization was restored. See When was my data last synchronized? for more information.

If your data fails to sync within 24 hours, the PULSE displays an Integration Status Alert each time you access the dairy.

This is a critical error that requires immediate attention to ensure that all animal information, worklist details, and event data continue to sync correctly with the PULSE and mobile app. Proceed to Troubleshooting to address any errors.

VAS PULSE Platform Help button. Located at the top of the page, toward the right side of the screen. Click this button to open the Help in a new browser tab.

Dairy Home icon. Located in the menu bar. Click the Dairy Home button to view your dairy home page. See Settings (Dairy) for more information.

DairyComp/MyDC icon. Located in the menu bar. Click this button to view a menu of DairyComp/MyDC features. See DairyComp/MyDC and View Animal Details on CowCards for more information.

FeedComp icon. Located in the menu bar. Click this button to view a menu of FeedComp features. See FeedComp for more information.

Parlor button. Located in the menu bar. Click this button to view a menu of Parlor features. See Parlor for more information.

WeighComp button. Located in the menu bar. Click this button to view a menu of WeighComp features. See WeighComp for more information.

Insights button. Located in the menu bar. Click this button to view a menu of reports-related options. See Shared Files or RumINSIGHT Report for more information.

Live Chat button. Located at the bottom right of any PULSE screen. Click to open a chat window to communicate directly with a member of VAS technical support. A blue button indicates the Live Chat feature is currently available, while a gray button indicates that Live Chat is currently not available. See Navigating PULSE for more information.

The gear icon indicates configuration options. You will see it in the Configure Dairy button that is located in the top right corner of PULSE window, just below the User menu.

See User Menu for more information.

Milk withholding status.

Meat withholding status.

Options button

Options button. Click this button to view other options for the related area of the screen.

Expand and collapse buttons. Click these buttons to show or hide additional details.