Make Pen Corrections (v1)

Sometimes animals accidentally end up in the wrong pen, and other times, animals are correctly placed into a new pen but their CowCard has not yet been updated to track the pen move. For these reasons, PULSE mobile app allows you to conveniently make pen corrections when processing animals in a worklist.

Before making a pen correction, it's important to understand the difference between an animal's assigned pen and its selected pen:

  • Assigned Pen: The animal's current pen assignment on its CowCard.
  • Selected Pen: The pen where the animal is physically located at this time.

When you scan an animal or perform a search in a worklist, the app checks the animal's assigned pen number against the pen you are currently processing for the list (i.e., the selected pen). If an animal's assigned pen number does not match the pen where the animal is physically located, the app plays an audible cue for "Wrong Pen" and prompts you to choose one of the following pen correction options: