View RumINSIGHT Data by Lactation and DIM

Click the By Lact/DIMClosed Days in milk tab on the RumINSIGHT report to view detailed fatty acid test results organized by Days in Milk (DIM) and lactation groups. Use the image and descriptions below to learn how to use the information on this page.


By Lact/DIM tab: Select this tab to view the fatty acid test data organized by Days in Milk (DIM) and lacation groups.


Lactation Stage chart: This chart provides detailed fatty acid data and related values grouped by DIM for all lactation groups. Data values of concern (i.e. warnings) are shown in red.


Lactation group selector: Click the applicable button to choose which lacatation group's data displays in the Lactation Breakdown chart.


Lactation Breakdown chart: This chart provides detailed fatty acid data and related values broken down by lactation group. Data values of concern are shown in red.