Set Up Health Indicators and Alerts

Dairies using Performance Indicators for the first time need to set a few things up before PULSE will examine thresholds and send alerts to your team.

NOTE: PULSE does not currently support alerts and notifications for all available indicator types. Use the following instructions to set up Health Indicators, but note that the steps may differ for other indicator types.

This procedure guides you through the main steps for enabling alerts and thresholds so that PULSE will alert your dairy team when specific events occur across your herd. While these instructions use indicators and alerts specifically for mastitisClosed Mastitis is the persistent, inflammatory reaction of the udder tissue due to physical trauma or infection. Symptoms of mastitis include udder swelling, heat, hardness, redness, or pain. The milk may have a watery appearance, flakes, clots, or pus. events as examples, you can follow the same steps to set up any other event indicators or alerts to meet your dairy's needs.

See the topics below to learn more: