The PULSE Testday page
You can find this feature under the DairyComp/MyDC > Testdays menu.
NOTE: DairyComp Unlimited dairies can view testday data in PULSE if they currently import testday results into DC305
. MyDC dairies can view testday data in PULSE with an active DRPC
integration. See Milk Quality to learn more about our DRPC partners!

The additional information can help you identify underperforming animals and pens. For example, you can quickly identify animals with high somatic cell counts (SCC), which may offer more visibility into underlying conditions, such as poor sanitation practices or other causes of mastitis
You can find this feature on the Testdays tab on an animal's CowCard or under the DairyComp/MyDC menu:
- Current Testday: Select the Current Testday page to view the current day's detailed test results.
- Testdays List: Select the Testdays List page to see a list of testdays. Click on a testday to view the day's detailed test results.
Expand the sections below to learn more:
Last Built: February 03, 2025