Process Open Tasks

Use Task Lists to consolidate all required animal activities for the current day, including all OvSynch protocols, vet checks, or any other scheduled tasks. Use Task Builder to generate a custom task list, or choose one of your saved lists from the Task Lists Gallery. Use Process Open Tasks to review, then complete the open tasks on your list. Then use the Task Lists History page to view completed tasks and ensure that all tasks followed protocol.

To process open tasks from a web browser, select DairyComp/MyDC >Task Lists > Open Tasks.

Follow the guidelines below when working with the Open Tasks list:

  1. View Tasks: Open Todo Tasks to view or process animals that have outstanding tasks, Done Tasks to view tasks that have been processed, or Upcoming Tasks to view all tasks scheduled for the next 7 days.
  2. Process Multiple Tasks: To process multiple tasks at once, check the boxes on the left side next to the tasks. In the blue bar above the table, which displays after you select multiple tasks, select Mark as Complete or Add Event and Complete.
  3. Process One Task: To process a task from the Todo Tasks page, click the task's Options button on the right side and select Complete, Add Event and Complete, or Skip.

You can process a task by either marking the task as Complete, Add Event and Complete, or Skip:

Follow the guidelines below after you process your tasks:

  • If you make a mistake, go to the Done Tasks page, click the Options button next to the task, and select Undo to move the task from the Done Tasks page back to the Todo Tasks page.
  • Done tasks can be accessed from the Tasks tab on the animal's CowCard.