Breeding Codes

All users assigned to a role with Herd Read permissions can view this feature. Only users who are assigned a role with Herd Configuration permissions can edit data or customize settings.
See the topics below to learn more:
Breeding codes are used to describe the different types of breeding events. Whenever a breeding event is entered, the user assigns a breeding code to it. You can view all the current breeding codes from the Breeding Codes page. You can also update and add new breeding codes from this page, provided you have the right permissions.
You can find this feature under the DairyComp/MyDC menu > Settings option on the Reproduction Settings
Use the sortable Code column to reorder the items in the list.

To update the description of an existing breeding code, click on the applicable code in the list. A side panel appears in which you can make your changes.
Enter the new description for the breeding code in the field provided, then click Save. Note that only the description can be changed; you cannot change the code letter itself.

Click the Add New Breeding Code Bred Code is short for "Breeding Code." button at the top of the page to open a window for creating a new breeding code.
- Enter a new value in the Code field.
This value is mandatory and must be unique (i.e., not currently in use). Also, this value must be a single letter.
NOTE: As stated in the window, it is recommended that you not use the letters P, O, E, or R as codes, since these letters may appear in bred event as breeding results. - In the Description field, enter a description of the new breeding code.
This field is optional.
- Click Save.
Your new breeding code now appears in the list.

- Select the applicable breeding code from the list to open its side panel.
- In the side panel, click Delete.
- In the confirmation window that appears, click Yes.
A message appears at the bottom of the page indicating that the breeding code has been deleted.
Last Built: February 03, 2025