Send Worklists from DC305 to PULSE (DC Unlimited only)

Based on how DC305Closed DairyComp 305 - VAS Dairy Management Software creates each type of list, the actions you must take to send them to the PULSE varies.

  • Send Hospital Lists to PULSE Use PULSE or DC305 to create your hospital lists with a special type of LIST command. For DC305 lists, adding the \HK switch to the commands sends them to PULSE. Most dairies schedule hospital lists to run daily to ensure treatment protocols are properly followed, as drugs are usually administered on a daily basis.

    You can then process your lists in the mobile app and monitor them in the web version of PULSE. See the topics below to learn more:

  • Send To-Do Lists to PULSE: To-Do lists are very flexible and can be created from PULSE or DC305. For DC305 lists, adding the \K switch to the commands sends them to PULSE. See Learn More about To-Do Lists for more information.
  • Send Vet Lists to PULSE: Use PULSE or DC305 to create your vet lists with a special VETLIST command. For DC305 lists, adding the \K switch to the commands sends them to PULSE. The flexibility of the system allows you to schedule the vet lists to generate on days the veterinarian is scheduled to visit, or to generate and send them on an as-needed basis.