Learn more about defining protocols! Learn more about enrolling animals! Learn more about completing tasks! Learn more about managing tasks!

OvSynch Event Instructions

The VAS PULSE Platform OvSynch protocols feature for MyDC dairies delivers a completely customizable and easily configurable method of managing your OvSynch protocols. Customize predefined protocols from the Protocols Gallery page, or build your own based on your dairy's needs. Once your protocols are defined, you can begin to enroll animals.

Once you have animals enrolled in a protocol, PULSE automatically generates worklists for OvSynch tasks on the days they're due, and your team can administer the shots and timed artificial insemination (AIClosed artificial insemination) activities according to the plan. Use the mobile app or a browser to process your Open Tasks, or print your lists from the web for processing. Then manage progress from your Open Tasks list.

NOTE: PULSE currently supports Reproduction protocols only. Additional protocol types may be added in a future release.

See the topics below to learn more: