The Lactations tab on the CowCard allows you to review a summary of the animal's lactations. A data table is located at the top of the page and a graph of milk weights is found at the bottom. See the topics below to learn more:
- Summary of Lactations: This table contains some of the most important milking-related statistics for each of the animal's lactations, allowing you to gauge its lifetime production rates at a glance. The Total row at the bottom of the table provides the cumulative values across all lactations for the "totaled" statistics.
- References: By default, only the checkbox for the current lactation is selected. When you check any other box, the line graph for the associated lactation is displayed on the page. You can check any number of boxes to compare the animal's weekly milk weights across lactations.
- Weekly Milk Production by Lactation: Each point on the graph represents the average milk weight recorded over the course of a week. Hovering your cursor over a point displays a pop-up containing the average milk weights during that week for all lactations on the graph.
NOTE: If you have a parlor integration installed, the data displayed in this tab will come directly from the integrated parlor(s). Additionally, this tab also reflects testday data, so if a parlor integration is not connected the lactation curve reflects milk weights recorded on test day. PULSE calculates estimated weekly milk totals based on your monthly testday data. See Connect Parlor Integration and Configure Shifts to learn more.
Last Built: February 03, 2025